It is Good to be Home

Things I am happy for this Monday:

  • This morning I had my last therapy appointment for a while.  I feel like I have a handle on going through things at the moment.  Also, I'm going to be very busy this summer.  I can always make another appointment.  For right now, I'm done.
  • Zed and I went to the storage unit and pulled out an air conditioner for my bedroom.  I was going to try and get through the summer without one.  The temperature is supposed to get into the upper 90's this week, so I thought it was time. 
Those curtains were my mom's. 
They are not what I want to stay in my room.
They do block the light fairly well.

  • I didn't end up spending as much time going through things as I wanted today.  Laundry, the AC, and other distractions kept me busy.  I did take some time though, and ended up with a small pile of things to shred or recycle. 

Currently re-listening to: Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity, by Peter Attia MD, Bill Gifford (Editor).  I was a little over half-way through with this when I had to return it a while back.  I decided to start it from the beginning again.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.


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