Happy Monday!

Here are some happy things from today:

  • A memory: Back when I was a paraeducator, there was a student who used to say “Happy First Thursday!” on Mondays.  There were four Thursdays in a week.  I'm not sure how much this mind trick worked, but it was fun to hear.  So, happy first Thursday!
  • It was a beautiful day to hang laundry outside to dry.  This prompted me to take a closer look at the lilacs and other flowering plants.  I have been concerned that I hadn't noticed any lily-of-the-valley yet.  Apparently I just wasn't paying attention!  They are up and starting to open.
The purple lilacs are almost ready to open.


  • One of the problems I've had in my new bedroom is light.  I love that I made the walls light and more cheerful in appearance than my other room.  However, that room had shades, this one did not.  Today I bought the cheapest shade available, to see how I like it.  It is made of paper and it definitely blocks the light.  I bought it knowing that it probably won't last.  It will make me happy for a little while.  I have clothes hanging over another window and some fabric taped to the third window to help reduce the light.  Eventually I'll get some kind of shades for them all.
It blocks the light well!

  • Then there is the part of the shade I cut off so it would fit my window.  That is starting something creative in my brain that I hope I can find the time to expand on.

Currently listening to: The Body Keeps the Score, by Bessel Van Der Kolk. 

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.


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