

Some happy things from today: Sometimes at work a Process Assistant joins the table I sit at for lunch.  Process Assistants are sort of a middle management type position; they help manage individual areas of the workplace.  This time with someone meant that I was able to learn a little bit more about a change that will be happening before some others.  For me, knowing that a big change is coming can help me transition into the big change easier.  I think I roll with small changes easily.  Right now, in my life, there are a few big changes.  My brain has been busy making mental adjustments.  Anyhow, it was really nice to hear more about this change at work, before it happens. While giving a friend a ride we talked briefly about teaching art classes. I mentioned that I don't feel expert enough on anything to teach it. He gave me a wonderful compliment by telling me that he thinks I could teach an inkle or tablet weaving class.  When I was weaving often, I taught a few people.  I don&

May Day/Beltane

Happy May Day!  Apparently, along with May Day and Beltane, today is Mother Goose Day.  Here are some happy things from today: The leaves on the lilac are almost completely out.  Can you tell I'm eager for them to bloom? My protege and I had a nice little visit when she gave me a ride to the auto place today.  It is always nice to spend time with a friend. I now own a car.  It is very used, but I hope to get some good use out of it.  It is a Kia Optima, 2010.  It is quite different from Zed's Kia Nero.  Now we will need to be more specific when referring to the cars in the driveway.  Saying we need to move the Kia won't be enough. Keziah named her van Gracie.  Zed has named his car Apollo.  Now I just need to come up with a name for mine.   ☮ Continued listening to: Earthsea: The Tombs of Atuan , by Ursula K. Le Guin. Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.


Here are some happy things from today: Before work I noticed that I had some mail on the table.  My passport arrived!  Now I just need to save money again.  I could have gone to an event in Canada this weekend but I didn't expect the passport so soon.  Now I have other plans and need money since I just drained my account on a car.  June is when I am planning on going to Canada with friends.    Occasionally at work there are jobs that need to be done that involve a lot of waiting.  Last night I did quite a lot of pacing at work, just waiting for packages to arrive.  It takes me about 60 steps to walk the length of the aisle I worked in.  What part of this makes me happy?  The part where my brain kept working enough that I didn't fall asleep!  🤣  Seriously though, eventually I did think of quick things I could do to be productive while I waited. At home, the purple rhododendron is blooming.  The pink one blooms later for some reason.   ☮ Continued listening to: Earthsea: The Tom


Happy things for today: Most of the weekend I spent painting and cleaning in the apartment bedroom.  This takes me outside in the back of the house.  Leaving today and being in the front of the house, I noticed more tulips are blooming.   Keziah and I took a ride to a used car dealership and I put a down-payment on a 2010 Kia Optima.  I will pick it up on Wednesday.  I also test drove a 2012 Suzuki Crossover with a manual transmission.  It was a fun drive, but didn't quite meet my needs. ☮ Started listening to: Earthsea: The Tombs of Atuan , by Ursula K. Le Guin. Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe. 

Getting There

It took me some time to get going today, so I didn't spend as much time getting the apartment ready.  Here are some happy things: Before going to the apartment to paint the bedroom more, I remembered to stretch.  That, and less time on the floor, means that I am feeling better tonight than I did last night. I'm sure more could be done, but I'm calling the wall where my bed will go and the one in the east side of the house done.  There is a stonewall and random, probably imaginary, flowers.  I like it, and since it is where I will be sleeping, that is what matters. The ceiling fan had seen better days.  The other day I painted it white.  Well, I think it was supposed to be white. Today I added color. All but one blade painted on Friday.  Yes, I did try to wash it first. Color! The bedroom windows are now as clean as I could get them.  Some of them tilted in to wash the outside better than others.  Once I'm in there, I will have a morning sun coming into my room instead o


Happy things from today: On Monday we went to Ikea.  The van has served as the storage unit for our purchases until this morning.  After emptying the van we went to DIY Craft and Thrift for some paints.  Having a daughter who owns a crafting thrift store has benefits.  Today that benefit was taking home a lot of paint (before the store officially opened) and I'll be able to return what isn't used so she can sell it.   While at the store, one of the artists was in the building with their dog, Jazzy.  Jazzy was extremely happy to see me.  She followed us around the store and kept politely asking me for pets.   Photo courtesy Keziah Keziah and I ran some errands and then we started painting.  The stairway is now the only area that still needs another coat of white.  I didn't look at the clock much, but it was after eight in the evening when I stopped for the night.  I think the painting is roughly ⅔ of the way done.  Keziah did one section of wall and a little of embellishment

A Scary Bridge

Happy Friday!  Some happy things from today include:      My friend, Amy, came over this afternoon to help me get the bedroom painted in the apartment.  We re-covered almost the entire wall with white.  The old color was still seeping through. It looks so much better now.  The stairway and the section over the closet are still left to do.  I learned that it is a small enough area that there were some occasional tightness with two people and a ladder. After, we went for a walk on the Northern Rail Trail.  I have been on a very small amount of this trail before a few years ago.  The area is very pretty.  Part of the trail isn't complete and still has rails.  We walked over a railroad bridge with wood that was rotted which made for a careful walk.  I was pleased with myself for not chickening out on that bridge. Some of the rotting planks are visible in this picture. There is water down there. We weren't far from the trails at Muchyedo Banks.  Still, I was very surprised when we c