Happy 2024-Ice

Happy New Year!  Welcome to my happy blog.  Here I try to find things from my day that brought a glimmer of joy to me.  I hope by sharing these things, that others may find some happiness as well.

Here are today's happy things:
  • Staying up with Gideon and Zed to bring in the new year.

  • Keziah is out of isolation from having covid.  It was so good to see her again this morning!
  • While out on a walk a car drove by with the convertible top down.  It was 33 degrees and ice was formed on puddles.  I think the people must have been happy, enjoying the fresh air and breeze.  It makes me happy to think they were having fun.
  • My walk was almost three and a half mile's long today.  It seems like it has been quite a while since I walked that distance for me and not work.  I'm hoping this first walk of the year will inspire me to get out there again and explore.  I saw bluebirds, ducks, squirrels, and maybe juncos?  I couldn’t get close enough to make a positive identification.  There was a good amount of bird song.  Here are some pictures from the walk.  

Currently listening to: Robin, by Dave Itzkoff.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.


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