Home Again

The camera didn't get pulled out much today.  I was busy experiencing things.  Here are some happy things:

  • Friends made a wonderful breakfast this morning.  I was also lucky enough to be given a baked apple by someone that had cooked too many.  
  • Our first duty this morning was to choose new Rattan Champions.  The outgoing Champions held a tournament and much fun was had.  

  • After that we held our court.  Deserving people got awards and the new Champions from the weekend stepped into their new positions.  The highlight at the end was when a couple came up, a proposal was made, and wedding plans were started.  It was glorious.  I cried happy tears.
  • I had favors to give away and I saw smiles when they were received.
  • The rest of the event was packing and the pleasant distraction of conversations with people I hadn't had time to talk with earlier.
  • We drove over a covered bridge on the way home.  

Currently listening to: Tales From Earthsea, by Ursula K. Le Guin.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.


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