North Country

Happy things from today:

  • This morning, Nanni caught a mouse.  She was rewarded greatly.  No pictures, you're welcome.  😁
  • My friend and I headed for the mountains a little after 11:30 this morning.  We had a little miscommunication when it came to the plans which meant we stopped for lunch and to pick up a few things on the way.  Our plan is to go to two fire towers that are in the northern part of New Hampshire.  Along with that, we hope to explore and have fun along the way.

  • On the way, we caught site of a another fire tower.  It is one that I visited back in 2021.  I hadn't realized it was along the way.  The tower itself was closed for renovations.  We had a nice walk up Mount Prospect.  We could have driven, but it was a good, short (about a mile) hike up the Heritage Trail.

  • Tonight we are staying at a campground along Lake Francis.  It is a large lake and the Connecticut River feeds it and leaves it.  The river is, of course, smaller than it is in Connecticut.  There is a trail from the campground that goes along the river.  The water was raging along the part we walked by.  It was beautiful. 
Our tents.

Lake Francis

There is a tree that has turned orange along the lake.

Pretty lake and a loan canoe.

Connecticut River 

I'm calling this the Gnome Tree.

Lens identification suggests this is white coral fungus.  The name fits.

The view from our campsite.

  • We decided to make a fire.  It took a while, but eventually it was going.  It would have been easier if we had brought a hatchet.  Tonight's fire has been dubbed ‘the little fire that could.’

  • There are SO MANY STARS.  I had a hard time finding the constellations I know amidst the rest of the stars.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.


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