Goodbye January

Happy things to end January:

  • Yesterday I wrote about how the snow looked pretty.  Today I took a picture, well, two pictures.  The first was taken a little after 12:30 AM, before I left for work.  The second was about twelve hours later, when I got home.  Had I thought about it, I could have aimed the camera at the same spot.  Anyhow, the picture I took this afternoon reminds me of a postcard.

  • There was food at work before we left for the day.  There were steak subs (that I skipped), chips, popcorn, and cotton candy.  They set up games too.  I sat and had snacks.  When the work day is done, I like to sit for a bit.
  • After work I was hoping to pull out some weaving I have.  It has been on the loom for a couple of years now.  I was hoping to make Wednesday a weaving day.  That was not to happen today.  When I got home, Zed's mom was here.  To make a long story short, she needed a ride to pick up her purse that she left at her daughter's and then to the garage to pick up her car.  Instead of weaving, I played chauffeur.  It was very nice to get together with her.  If she is available, she might go with me to look for a car sometime. 
The last of the peace trinkets I purchased last weekend.

Currently listening to: My Name Is Barbra, by Barbra Streisand.

Thank you for being part of my happy things.  Stay safe. 


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