Nostalgic Restaurants

Happy things from today:

  • The amount of weaving I was hoping to do today got done.  It got done with a mistake, but I'm letting it go because I don't think it is very noticeable.  I hope.  

  • Snow on the trails makes it harder to walk through, there is an extra amount of resistance.  I walked along a rail trail with my friend, Amy, and I'm feeling it now; it isn't that bad, just more than I expected.   Maybe it is because I walked in the snow on Friday as well? I don't know.  It was a good walk with great company.

  • There are certain things, in this case a restaurant, that bring on a large sense of nostalgia.  I would have to say that Skip's Snack Bar, formally a mainstay in Merrimac, MA, is one such restaurant for me.  For Keziah, one restaurant that is nostalgic for her is the Golden Corral.  It is a restaurant chain that was common in Texas.  As it has buffet style eating, and was affordable, we would frequent there when she was young.  I have to say that it doesn't have to be about how good the food is, it can be ambiance or just memories made. Tonight, instead of sleeping (just me), we introduced Gideon, my grandson, to the Golden Corral.  He is happy with it.  We are full of rolls.  

Currently listening to: My Name Is Barbra, by Barbra Streisand.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.


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