February's Penultimate Day

Happy things from today:

  • Cats.
Nanni & Winston.

  • My storytelling telling abilities are not what I wish they were.  Suffice it to say that there were things said during breaks at work today that got me to laugh out loud.  Also at work today, I started training on working in the “yard” with the trucks.  I always like learning new things.
  • On March 16, 2017, my pet dog, Hunter, passed away.  Today, I pulled out the cardboard box that holds his ashes.  I had never opened it.  It turns out that the ashes are in a very lovely cedar box.  I expected a bag.  It was very tastefully done, I just didn't want to see ashes and so didn't open it at the time.  I'm sure when this happened I was either told about this or read it and just didn't retain the information.  However, this weekend I will be seeing the friend that makes glass beads and can incorporate a tiny amount of the ashes into the beads.  I will give them some ashes and get the beads back from them when I see them in July.  Then I'll use them for jewelry.

  • Before heading off to sleepy land this afternoon I drove to Keziah’s store to see Keziah, Zed, Bel, my ex-husband and his wife.  It was a nice short visit.  Words can be hard to come by when I am so tired, so the visit needed to be short.  I also forgot to take pictures.  

Currently listening to Cat's Cradle, by Kurt Vonnegut Jr.

Still reading the book I didn't intend to, Saving Nora.  The author appears to be Josh Williams.  

Thank you for being part of my happy things.  Stay safe.


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