Mimir's Well

Happy Sunday things:

  • For some reason, today is the day that someone decided to introduce the cats to Cat TV.  I'm not sure where Nanni was, but Winston seemed to like it.

  • This morning Gideon and I left for a long drive to go to an event in Vermont.  It was a good thing that the event didn't start until the afternoon, even with their late start time, we were later!  We stopped and picked up some nice crepes for lunch in Montpelier on the way.  The snow, mountains, ice, and all the views were lovely.

Waiting for crepes.

  • The event, Mimir's Well, was fairly small, which I like.  It was far enough away that only a couple other people came up from Stonemarche.  There were only a few other people that I knew.  The day was all about taking classes.  Together, Gideon and I got to the last bit of Acid-etching on Brass.  Then I took a class on Cordage Making and then Making Oil Lamps for Your Camp.  Gideon went to the History of Games class and then the Norse in North America Discussion.  After that, Gideon played games and I discussed etching and coronet making with the person that we plan to have make our next coronets.  It was a busy day!
The dogbane sticks we used to make cording.

Water, olive oil, a wick made from a cotton mop head, and wire to hold the wick in place.


Currently listening to Lessons in Chemistry, by Bonnie Garmus.

Still reading the book I didn't intend to, Saving Nora.  The author appears to be Josh Williams.  

Thank you for being part of my happy things.  Stay safe.


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