Purgatory Falls

Some happy things from this cold Saturday:

  • Before heading out for the day I found Winston, curled up by the heat radiator.  He has always liked the warmth.

  • This morning I met a group of SCA people (mostly part of the Forester's Guild) and went on a hike in garb.  There were sixteen of us total.  That size of a group was a little hard to keep together.  We had different time constraints so spread out in different ways.   It was fun and I hope to do it again sometime.  I'm thankful for the modern boots and micro-spikes that kept me safe.  I wonder what they did in the middle ages to not slip on the ice?  I think I read something about it  somewhere once, but I don't remember.

  • In the afternoon some of our SCA household got together to hangout for a while.  It was really nice to sit and relax with friends.  That is something else I hope to be able to do more often.

Currently listening to Cat's Cradle, by Kurt Vonnegut Jr.

Still reading the book I didn't intend to, Saving Nora.  The author appears to be Josh Williams.  

Thank you for being part of my happy things.  Stay safe.


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