Fabric Sale Tomorrow

Some happy things from today:

  • The crocus I posted a picture of yesterday has bloomed today! 

  • After work and food I went to Keziah’s store, DIY Craft & Thrift to help out.  The store is closed today, Tuesday.  Tomorrow they are having a big fabric sale.  I think the sale lasts all week.  All fabric will be $1.50 a pound.  So I helped move things around and get more fabric onto the floor to be sold.  

  • Even though I live with my daughter, Keziah, and her family, our schedules don't always make it easy for us to just visit with each other.  I feel like we were able to do some of that today and it was nice.

Currently listening to: Divergent Mind, by Jenara Nerenberg. 

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.


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