Fun Friday

Happy things from today:

  • The flowering plant I saw, briefly, yesterday in the front yard was not a daffodil.  According to the Lens app it is a Fritillaria pudica or yellow bell. It is apparently native to the north western United States and western Canada.  

  • This afternoon I met a friend at a Cafe for lunch.  We discussed plans for some of the upcoming SCA events and specifically, Pennsic.  She will be doing much of the work this year getting ready for the two week long event instead of me.  
  • After our Pennsic planning lunch I got my passport photo taken and then we went for a walk up to the fire tower.

  • In the evening I made it back out of the house to Craft Night.  It was nice to visit with friends.  A weird thing I learned is that the fabric on a pool table is called baize.  I got some crocheting done too.  I've been making a container to hold a water bottle.  I need to find a water bottle because I think I am close to finishing this project. 

  • Earlier today I washed my bed sheets.  Nanni, our brown tabby, was on my bed when I went to remake my bed tonight.  I mostly successfully made my bed with Nanni on it.  I say mostly because it isn't quite as tight as I like it.  I just moved Nanni around as I put the sheets and blankets back on.

Started listening to: Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity, by Peter Attia MD, Bill Gifford (Editor)

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.


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