Event in Connecticut

Happy things from Saturday:

  • Last night my friend, Tessa, decided to drive with me to the SCA event today.  It was really great to have someone to talk with for the 3 ish hour drive each way.
  • This event has competitions in at least rattan fighting, archery, fencing, and thrown weapons.  I went specifically to watch the archers.  I think there were four teams that represented the Barony of Stonemarche, one of the teams was named Deirdre's Defenders.   Deirdre is my SCA name, so they were supposed to be “defending” me.  I got to see some archery and talk to some of the people I know, and that was nice.

  • Visiting with different people throughout the day was a highlight.  The hugs were good too.  At the merchants, I bought a naalbinding needle to try to use to sew my hair up.  I also bought a used pair of hanging lanterns to put candles in.  I plan to leave the lanterns in Pennsylvania when I go to the Pennsic event this summer.
  • While wandering around some tables with used things on them, I noticed a pale yellow tunic with green trim.  I remember making a tunic like that for Keziah when she was little.  I'm pretty sure it was THIS tunic.  I bought it, then I caught up with a friend that has a one year old and gave it to them.  They seemed very happy to receive it.  

Currently listening to: My Name is Barbra, by Barbra Streisand. 

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe. 


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