Getting There

It took me some time to get going today, so I didn't spend as much time getting the apartment ready.  Here are some happy things:

  • Before going to the apartment to paint the bedroom more, I remembered to stretch.  That, and less time on the floor, means that I am feeling better tonight than I did last night.
  • I'm sure more could be done, but I'm calling the wall where my bed will go and the one in the east side of the house done.  There is a stonewall and random, probably imaginary, flowers.  I like it, and since it is where I will be sleeping, that is what matters.

  • The ceiling fan had seen better days.  The other day I painted it white.  Well, I think it was supposed to be white. Today I added color.

All but one blade painted on Friday. 
Yes, I did try to wash it first.


  • The bedroom windows are now as clean as I could get them.  Some of them tilted in to wash the outside better than others.  Once I'm in there, I will have a morning sun coming into my room instead of a setting sun.  This should make going to sleep in the afternoon easier.  At least I won't be able to blame the sun.  🤣
  • Since it is the last night of Gideon's school vacation, we got dinner from the local ice cream shop.  After my grilled cheese sandwich, I enjoyed my favorite flavor ice cream, peppermint stick.

Finished listening to: The Life We Bury, by Allen Eskens.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe. 


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