Keziah Painting

Here are some happy things for this lovely Tuesday:

  • Work went well, I was in the Problem Solve area.  Someday I hope to work there and not need help to finish things up.  There were quite a few broken bottles last night, so lots of messes to clean up.  Even with the frustrations that come with that area, I enjoy it.  
  • The tulip has opened!  Soon there will be more.  

  • Keziah was busy painting my soon to be room while I was at work today.  Instead of helping her paint, I went and purchased more paint.  She might be able to get the entire room white today.  That will be the base for whatever I decide to do.  
She was working hard today!

Currently listening to: The Life We Bury, by Allen Eskens.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe. 


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