
Here are some happy things from today:

  • Before work I noticed that I had some mail on the table.  My passport arrived!  Now I just need to save money again.  I could have gone to an event in Canada this weekend but I didn't expect the passport so soon.  Now I have other plans and need money since I just drained my account on a car.  June is when I am planning on going to Canada with friends.   
  • Occasionally at work there are jobs that need to be done that involve a lot of waiting.  Last night I did quite a lot of pacing at work, just waiting for packages to arrive.  It takes me about 60 steps to walk the length of the aisle I worked in.  What part of this makes me happy?  The part where my brain kept working enough that I didn't fall asleep!  🤣  Seriously though, eventually I did think of quick things I could do to be productive while I waited.
  • At home, the purple rhododendron is blooming.  The pink one blooms later for some reason.  

Continued listening to: Earthsea: The Tombs of Atuan, by Ursula K. Le Guin.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.


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