Spring Flower

Happy Wednesday!  Here a are some things that I am happy and grateful for today:

  • Yesterday at work doing Problem Solve the exercise I got was mostly brain work.  Last night the jobs I did were extra physical.  I picked things up and put them down or pushed large carts from one place to another all night.  Today I am happy that I made it through the night and didn't give up and come home early.  The last two hours I got to work outside.  It is a beautiful day, so that helped.
  • After a much needed nap, I had a fruitful conversation with TF.  One of the things we discussed was adding more plant foods to our diets.  Variety being important.  It was a good conversation that reminded me of a book I should read.  
  • The flower that many people dread has bloomed in the yard.  A very important spring plant that provides pollen for bees and food or dyes for humans.  I don't expect to harvest any myself this year, but I have in the past.  The hardy dandelion is alive and well.

Listening more to: My Name is Barbra, by Barbra Streisand. 

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.


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