Here are some happy things for tax day:
- When I wandered downstairs this morning I noticed a foggy world outside the windows. A few minutes later, I was outside, in my bathrobe, to take a picture. The air was fresh and I was wishing that I was more prepared to take a walk.
- Instead, I went back up to my room and spun the chore wheel. Fifteen minutes or so later I had six pairs of matched socks from my basket of mismatched socks. A few other things are put where they belong, and I am reminded that I have some cute earrings on my closet shelf.
Before |
The part I worked on, after. |
- Around a month ago I got my taxes almost done. I'm cheap and don't like paying for tax preparation when I can do it myself. That is not to say that I can do anyone's taxes, but currently, I can do my own. I also like that taxes can be filed online instead of paper. Anyhow, I couldn't figure out how to add the bank interest on the first program I used. The second free program wouldn't let me include a Schedule E for free. The third free program finally let me enter everything I needed. I finished preparing my taxes yesterday and filed them this morning. Nothing like being last minute!
- In the afternoon I had a lovely walk with my friend, Amy. We went to Livingston Park. The trail was a little muddy in places, but we have had rain lately. The stream was rushing and we saw a heron!
One of the recent storms took this tree down. |
Stream |
Heron |
Heron |
Finished listening to: A Wizard of Earthsea, by Ursula K. Le Guin.
Listening more to: My Name is Barbra, by Barbra Streisand.
Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.
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