Tech Time

Happy Friday!!

This morning I wanted to be productive.  I can't say that I wasn't, but more might have been nice.  The bathroom is now clean, laundry done, and I have measured a bunch more in the bedroom of the apartment.  There are two possible placements for the bed.  I'll either face north or south.  

It had been a long week, and I hadn't been checking my email.  I checked it today and found that the IRS had rejected my tax return on Monday!  It took a little bit, but I got it sent AND the IRS accepted it this time.  There was a place that I could enter one thing or another, apparently it wanted both.  Phew!  I'm glad that it is done, again. 

Last week I noticed a tree blooming and had Gideon take a picture.  Then I forgot about it. I drove by it today and took another picture.  I'm not sure what kind of tree it is, but it is pretty.

Tonight I hosted a tech time for SCA people.  We worked on updating our East Kingdom Wiki pages (example).  I am very thankful for the wonderful people who came to actually work with people on the technical aspect of creating this type of website.  All I did was bring them together, I'm not much of a tech person. 🤣  It was a nice gathering of friends and things seemed to have been productive.  As a bonus, I now have a friend to ride with me to an event tomorrow. 

Currently listening to: My Name is Barbra, by Barbra Streisand. 

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.


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