
Here are a few happy things from my very tired today:

  • When I got to work this morning the coworker I wrote about yesterday was entering the building at the same time as me.  I asked him if he was still happy about the boxes.  He told me how he had spent time yesterday organizing everything for ease of use.  I'm happy that he is happy.
  • The lilacs have a short lifespan.  They still look and smell nice.  This might be my last picture of them though.   There are other flowers that will bloom soon.  I do love the lilacs.

  • TF sent me a package.  It is a llama mug that changes color with warm liquid.   The mug is covered with little pieces of Styrofoam.  Apparently the trip was bumpy.  Still, it arrived safely.     

Currently listening to: Dune, by Frank Herbert.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.


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