
 Happy things from Monday:

  • There need to be goals, small milestones, in the emptying of my boxes and purging of my things.  My old room isn't empty and I am already feeling overwhelmed by what I need to do.  Because of that my first goal will be to work on boxes a little every non-working/non-event day.  Today that meant rearranging some of the boxes and their contents to make more sense.  I also packed a few more things from my old room.  Yay for steps forward!
  • Keziah and Zed did a lot of packing in my old room today.  I'm so grateful for the wonderful family I have.

Zed & Keziah

  • There is a short wall at the top of the stairs to my bedroom.  Today it got washed off (again) and things got put there that I want there; Books, tissues, a place for my wallet and pocket contents, and the polka-dot plant Amy gave me yesterday.  

Polka-dot plant 

  • The irises are blooming.  I'm glad they are tall enough to reach over the grass growing near them. 



Currently listening to: Dune, by Frank Herbert.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe. 


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