Small Advenures

Here are some happy things from today:

  • This morning Keziah I headed to the southern part of the state to pick up some bookshelves.  She found them for free on Facebook Marketplace and wanted them for the store.  They are nice shelves, but we had to cut a piece off to fit them into the van.  And then, we could only fit one.  We made it work by taking the first load of things to a friend's house and then going back for the other shelf.  It was a fun adventure. 
  • The house where we got the bookshelves had a lovely peony plant.  It was large.  Someday, maybe our peonies get that large too.
  • Along the highway the daisies and lupine are blooming.  I absolutely love that our state plants flowers along the highways.  In Texas, they plant bluebells.

  • One of the best parts of going with Keziah this morning was getting to spend time with my daughter.  
  • In the evening there was Craft Night.  Last week I offered to help someone make their first garb.  I am not sure I was up to the task as much as I would have liked.  We made a few mistakes, but she now has an undress that is about ¾ of the way done.  I'm very thankful for the other friends who stopped by and helped out!

Started listening to: Jacob T. Marley, by R. William Bennet.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.


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