Two Sunsets

Some happy things from today:

  • This was the third day this week that I had some kind of food at work.  Tuesday was hamburgers, Wednesday pizza, and today I got a cookie.  It was a sweet end to the week.
  • Sometimes random timing turns out to be a good thing.  On my ride home I saw a large number of people jogging along the side of the road with police escorts.  It turned out to be this:   Link. Anyhow, had I left work a minute later it would have been a slight challenge to get into the driveway.  As it was, once I was backed in, the first of the runners went by.
  • A lovely thing happened as I backed in.  I noticed something purple in the rear view mirror.  One of the smaller varieties of iris is blooming.  I don't remember them being in this part of the yard last year. I know they were about ten feet to the right, on the other side of the roses.  I'm sure I just don't remember them being here too.

  • TF called from Texas this evening.  We sent each other pictures of the sunset.  Her sunset is an hour behind mine.
Texas sky around 8:19 PM Eastern Daylight Time or 7:19 PM Central Daylight Time.

New Hampshire sky around 8:20 PM Eastern Daylight Time.

Finished re-listening to: Seedfolks, by Paul Fleischman.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.


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