Arrival in Canada

Happy travel and set up day!

  • The stars and the lightning bugs were bright as I left for work.  I identified Cygnus and  the Big Dipper.  I pulled out Star Tracker and then I thought I identified Bootes.  It was a wonderful way to start my day.
  • I worked four hours and then did what I could to be ready when my ride came.  I wasn't.  We packed up and got on the road a little before 10:30 AM.  We stopped before reaching the border to top off the gas tank and have lunch.  I slept a bunch.  We arrived on site a little before 5:00 PM.  I saw people I knew right off the bat.  We spent most of the rest of the day setting up, visiting with friends, and dinnertime.  
  • The bugs are ferocious however, the site has the potential to be magical.  Tomorrow I will put on my medieval clothes and enjoy the event.

My internet is not letting me upload pictures.  I will edit and add those later.  My apologies. 

Photo Edit:

On the way!

Some of the buildings.


The tent I stayed in.

Started listening to: Jacob T. Marley, by R. William Bennet.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.


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