Big Friday

Happy Friday!

  • Every year there is an SCA event in Pennsylvania, Pennsic.  For the last few years I have been in charge of our local encampment.  This year I am trying to train someone else to eventually take over, or at least take turns with this task.  Today they came over and we did all the things we needed in order to be prepared.  There are lists to complete later in June or early July, but there are things that I should have done already that are now complete.  It is a good feeling knowing that a task is complete.
  • While my friend was here, we got my hope chest up onto the closet.  Now I can see the lovely flowers my grandmother painted for me.  I wish I could remember who the wooden chest belonged to.  I want to say Great Aunt Sally, but I'm not sure there was an Aunt Sally.  Oh, well.

  • I tried going through boxes today.  There is one that I put a piece of paper on a while ago that says, “Needs thought.”  I looked through it some, and the paper was correct.  However, in the bottom were the wool skirts I've been thinking about on and off.   My memory told me these skirts were hand made.  They are not.  This makes getting rid of them easier, I think.
Six wool and one velvet skirt.
I will never be that small again.
  • Today Keziah’s store, DIY Craft & Thrift reopened.  There were so many wonderful people that helped her organize and move things around.  The store looks really great.  It is so much larger.  Some friends stopped by to say hi which was really nice.
This is about how big it was before the reorganization. 

This is the new part of the store.
There are other people to the left and way in back.

  • After the store closed I went to Craft Night.  Someone was there that I wanted to see.  They are working on putting together a sheet wall to hang outside the royal encampment at Pennsic.  I'm hoping to help in a few weeks.  The sheet wall is going to be stored and worked on at the studio until Pennsic.

Continued listening to: My Name is Barbra, by Barbra Streisand.  

Thank you for being part of my happy things.  Stay safe.


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