Canada Day Three

Happy things from Canada:

  • After a chill night in the tent, it was nice to sit in the morning and warm in the sun.  I did get myself motivated to shoot archery before the range was supposed to close at noon.  
  • However, I got to the archery range and the Princess was there.  We ended up talking for about an hour.  This was a good and productive conversation. 
  • Thankfully, another archery marshal kept the range open and I was able to get some practice in.  My arm is a little sore, but I had fun.
  • After I had some lunch, I headed to where there was fighting happening.  I got there too late to find where a friend was to watch with them.  I did get to see some skirmishes though.  Watching people dressed in medieval armor fighting each other in a medieval town was more immersive than I am used to.  It was neat.
  • Royal Court happened and I volunteered to retain for Their Highnesses.  This basically means to stand behind them and make sure they have what they need, like water or snacks.  It might also mean going to get something for them.  Since I know Their Highnesses, I may be doing more of 
Battles in the streer÷r



Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.


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