Canada Day Two

Happy Friday from Canada!

  • There are four of us camping together.  We spent the morning mostly hanging around at our camp area.  It was relaxing. 
  • Three of us spent part of the afternoon shooting archery.  I didn't do as well as I hoped, but after a little bit of practice my shooting improved.  
  • This event site is large and there is a lot to see.  When I say there is something different around every corner, there is.  People put up buildings of different shapes, sizes, and styles.  There is a section that is fantasy themed and some that are medieval themed. We saw Nordic or Viking themed and Oriental-esque as well. There will be pictures when I get stateside.  We are at the Duche de Bicolline if you are interested in Googling it.
  • There are a few people I know who live in Canada and I have seen a few of them.  I've seen other Canadians that I know I've seen at other events.  There is definitely a language barrier with some of the people.  Especially the children.  I feel bad that all I can do is smile and say hello to the kids.  I'm questioning my choice of learning Spanish on DuoLingo.  The good part of all this is that it has opened my eyes to how little we do in the Barony of Stonemarche to help the French speakers at our events.  Or at least at Birka which tends to attract people from all over.  I'm hoping to find someone to help make this a little better.
Photo Edit:

Street full of shops.


The fantasy area.

Cathedral and medieval area.

I broke an arrow.

Archery range

The Kasbah



The Fort

Fighting in the Fort

More buildings...


Another bridge.

Lens says this is Fleabane.


Fire danger low?

Round door.


My tea bag message.


Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.


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