Color TV Day

Here are some happy things from today:

  • At work this morning I ended up with some heat related badness.  It was within my first hour of work.  They let me take a break.  When I went back to work I went slower.  After 3 AM I was able to work outside for a bit.  That helped a lot!  I'm happy that I made it through the rest of the shift and that I'm feeling better.  
  • At home I decided to take it easy.  I stopped to notice the orange daylilies.  Soon there will be many more blooming.

  • According to this website, today is Color TV Day.  Here is a little memory.  Every year The Wizard of Oz was broadcast on TV.  Every year I watched it.  If you have never seen the movie, and don't want spoilers, stop reading now.  At some point I noticed that it claimed to be recorded in color.  We had a black and white TV.  So every year I watched it in black and white.   Eventually, when I was a teenager and my older brothers were out of the house, my family got a color TV.  I was so excited when it was time to watch The Wizard of Oz, I would get to see it in color.  Imagine my dismay when everything started in black and white.   I thought something was wrong with the TV.  When Dorothy landed in Oz and everything became color, it truly was a magical experience for me.  

Currently listening to: Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity, by Peter Attia MD, Bill Gifford (Editor). 

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.


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