
In bed, doom scrolling the internet, I suddenly realized that it was dark out.  That is the late afternoon I had.  Here are some happy things from today:

  • Sometimes at work packages jam on the line and we have to shut it down for a few moments.  When that happens, packages stop being received.  Someone usually shouts out, “Line down!” so the people who didn't notice can stop working.  Because of where I was along the line I was asked to be louder, the people up from me couldn't hear over the music.  So I got loud.  It isn't something I do often.  Being loud, when one normally isn't, can have an element of fun.  😁
  • After work I took my tired self to visit a friend who had knee surgery and needs some help while they recover.  According to the weather app on my phone it was 95 degrees outside and felt like 106.  I took Andi, our friend's dog, for a walk.  This was my first time meeting Andi.  She is a very good dog and let me take her out and through a park area.  It didn't take long before she was panting and I led her back home for water.  It was nice to visit for a little while, and dog time was a bonus.  I was exhausted though and didn't stay long.  If I am able to visit again, I hope to be awake enough to bring a game or craft to do while I visit.

  • At home, I had a nice, long nap.  Scrolling the internet after I woke and listening to the thunderstorms come and go was a different type of relaxing that I think I needed. 

Currently listening to: Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity, by Peter Attia MD, Bill Gifford (Editor). 

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.


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