Downsizing Treasure

Here are some things that made me happy today:

  • It was a busy morning.  Keziah had an arts event to go to at a local park.  It was the same one we went to last year, before she opened up the business.  Last year the purpose was getting the word out that her business, DIY Craft & Thrift, might be coming soon.  This year was information and an art supply swap.  I didn't stay this year, so I don't have a lot of information.  I just brought some things to her and did a few minor things to help her get started today.  I'm super proud of all that she has accomplished over this last year.  Here are some pictures that Keziah took of her area.

  • My protégé came over today and helped me sort through some boxes.  We spent some time and went through some boxes of papers that I had been avoiding.  The picture is from after.  I didn't take a picture before we started.  There was another smaller box that we emptied that became my shred box.  I think the box pictured started a little more than ¾ full.  More downsizing progress, yay!
This is so much neater than before.

The box is some old patterns of my mom's, donated to Keziah’s store. 

  • We found a treasure with some of my mother's things.  She wrote a memory about her grandfather on the farm. The picture might be hard to read.  It was about how he didn't like any sound in the barn while they were milking the cows.  My mom convinced him that they should have a radio.  Turns out the cows liked it!

  • In the evening my protégé, another friend, and I went to dinner at The Red Arrow Diner.  They make a stuffed French toast that is a different flavor every week.  This week the filling was pineapple upside down cake.  It wasn't exactly what I expected, it was still really good and very filling.  So filling, I brought half of it home for later.
Continued listening to: My Name is Barbra, by Barbra Streisand.  

Thank you for being part of my happy things.  Stay safe.


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