Happy June!

Happy Pride Month!

What I wanted to do today was to attend all of a gathering of Foresters.  I was not there by 10 AM when they started.

Here are happy things from my day:

What I did first was sort through some of the boxes. My goal of going through them at least a little on non-work and non-event days is important.  Yesterday I went through a box and pulled out three sweaters that will be donated.  What I didn't do was put away the other things in that box.  One of the things I need to remember as I go through the boxes is that everything needs a place.  Today I went through some more boxes and sorted them into some piles.  Some items went near boxes of paper to sort (old bills, cards, etc), some were for the studio, and even a few went into the box I made for donations.  So I'd like to think I made some progress.  Progress is good.

After that, I remembered that it is the first of the month and I paid my mortgage.  Yay!

Then I had a short chat with a friend, ran an errand, stopped by DIY Craft & Thrift, and then I headed to the gathering of Foresters.  I was only a few hours late.  I realized as I pulled into the driveway that the foresters could be anywhere on the property and I might not find them, but I did.  I was told that garb was optional, so I was in my jeans and a tee-shirt.  Everyone else was wearing their medieval garb.  Most of the time I was there I just hung out with friends.  They had things they were doing, mostly cooking over a fire or cutting wood.  I chose to spend more time away from the hot fire.  Things I did other than hangout (or while I hungout):

  • I helped saw wood with a two person saw.
  • I sat on the wood being cut to help the others using the saw.  This allowed the saw to not get caught up in the wood as much.
  • I learned what a riving brake is and what a froe is.
  • I learned how to use both the riving brake and the froe.
  • After the day cooled down some, I used flint, steel, char cloth, and jute string to make fire.  I didn't need to start a fire, the exercise was to get the nest of char cloth and loose jute to catch fire.  I did it!
  • I tried my first honeyberry.
  • I had my first fresh strawberry of the season.
  • Someone made popcorn from organic corn they grew and that was yummy. 
  • I took some pictures.

--I had a good day.  Now that I have gone to a gathering of Foresters, I hope to be more prepared next time. 

 Here are some pictures:

DIY Craft & Thrift is closed while they get bigger!

Sawing wood.

Using the Froe to split wood.

The wood being split is in the riving brake.

Splitting wood!

The most likely suspect that is eating the leaves on some of the fruit trees.

What is left of the jute and char cloth.

Cutting grass.

Bee and chives.

Resumed listening to: My Name is Barbra, by Barbra Streisand.  This is the second time I've had this book out through Libby?  Maybe the third.  Anyhow, I am about 61% complete and have a little over eighteen hours left to listen to in order to finish the book.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.


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