Roses and Packing

Happy things from Wednesday:

  • My work day went well.  There is new equipment that I've been trying to get used to.  My rate per hour was pretty good and I'm happy about that.
  • More roses!!

  • At home I took a break before undertaking my packing task.  I've got most of the items I need together in one place.  Some are packed, some not.  I should have enough time in the morning to finish.  I'm working a part shift tonight.  
  • The reality of going off to Canada tomorrow with friends hit me today. I'm so excited, I hope I can fall asleep.  I'm not sure if I will have any service to be able to blog over the next few days.  If I lose my DuoLingo streak, it was at 1991 today.   I should return home on Sunday.  

Finished listening to: My Name is Barbra, by Barbra Streisand.  I'm thankful for the ability to speed up how fast the recording plays.  This is one less thing to have to try to fit in while I am away.  That said, I enjoyed the audio book.  One of these days I'll look through the actual book in a bookstore to see the pictures.

Thank you for being part of my happy things.  Stay safe.


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