
 Happy Saturday things:

  • This morning I didn't get going as early as I wanted.  This meant that I didn't spend the time I wanted to on my downsizing task.  What I did do was to remove the skirts from the house and put them into my car.  I meant to unload them at the studio, but they are still in the car.  I'm calling this a half step forward.
  • At the studio I met with someone to work on the banner we are making for Pennsic, the large SCA event in Pennsylvania.  It will hang with other sheet walls outside of our Kingdom encampment.  We worked on it until mid afternoon.  We walked to a restaurant in town for lunch.  It was nice and it was a lot of focused work.

  • Around four in the afternoon, I headed to DIY Craft & Thrift. I helped fold and measure fabric.  I also helped to make small bundles of fabric that were supposed to be themed.  I'm only okay at joining similar fabrics together.  Towards the end of the night I had groups that I named -Blue, or -Red.  Earlier I was more creative.  A bundle of different fabrics that all had leaves of one kind or another I named 'Leaf Me Alone.'   There was a pile I think I called 'Muted Tones', the colors were pastels or not bright.  It was more fun tonight because Keziah and my protege were there to talk with.

A small sample of what got done.

Currently listening to: Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity, by Peter Attia MD, Bill Gifford (Editor). 

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.


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