Turtle, Turtle

Here are a few happy things from today:

  • In my attempt at downsizing I had one box that had linens in it that belonged to my mom.  I'm not sure if any were inherited by her from others or not.  I decided that I would use these when I have the apartment set up.  Until the boxes are gone and downsizing has happened, I don't have a table to put a tablecloth on.  I do have a kitchen cabinet to store them in.  The other things in the box are things like doilies and table runners.  If I don't use them, I hope to find a neat way to repurpose them.
Some napkins.

All put away.

  • I was able to help out at DIY Craft & Thrift for a short time.  I put together some shelves.  I'm looking forward to Friday when everything should be done and seeing how it all looks.
An artist has painted the bookshelves Keziah and I picked up on Friday.
They look awesome!

  • In the afternoon I met my friend Amy for a walk.  The temperature was around 85 degrees outside.  I'm glad we chose a place that has shade.  We had walked around Dorr's Pond twice and had started our final round when I decided I should take some pictures.  I realized that we hadn't seen any turtles and we usually do on this pond this time of year.  Sure enough, in about a quarter of a mile we found a turtle trying to cross the path. There were two people and a dog barking at it.  I snapped my picture and we moved on.  Soon after there was another turtle trying to cross the path.  This one was all alone, but hiding in the shell.
Dorr's Pond.

Turtle One, running for cover.

Turtle Two, hiding out.

Continued listening to: My Name is Barbra, by Barbra Streisand.  

Thank you for being part of my happy things.  Stay safe.


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