Work, Work

Some happy things from today:

  • Since I need the money, I took on a half shift at work today.  I'm not sure I have ever worked there on a Sunday before.  It isn't really any different than any other day. I'm glad I went in, they were short handed.  
  • Keziah is in the middle of a huge reset at her store, DIY Craft & Thrift. I went there in the afternoon and sorted books and magazines.  So many books!  There is one bookshelf that is now almost completely full with quilting books, magazines, and pamphlets.  Previously, the books were only loosely sorted by category.  When the store reopens on Friday, most of the books will be near the department that has the similar supplies.  There are some books that have multiple crafts or no current supplies.  I'm not sure where they will end up.  The store will have about twice as much room I think.
Piles of books while I sorted them.

All the quilting books, magazines, and pamphlets.
  • Yesterday, in my downsizing adventure, I commented that I went through a box and didn't put the items left in it away.  Tonight I put most of those items into a drawer.  These were mostly winter clothes.  There are still a few things that I'll need to either make room for, or decide that it is okay to have a container of seasonal clothes that I store away.  It felt good to put them away and I'm glad I had room for most of the items.
  • In the opposite of downsizing, I brought home a book to look through.  I'm hoping to finish it before the store reopens on Friday.  I think I know which shelf it belongs on.  😉😅

  • Irises, because I'm enjoying their presence. 

Continued listening to: My Name is Barbra, by Barbra Streisand.  

Thank you for being part of my happy things.  Stay safe.


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