
Here are some happy things from PA:

  • This morning I attempted to organize the tent more.  I made some progress.  One of the things I was looking for a better place to put was a light that Keziah has.  It was on a bin and I was hoping I could put it up somewhere.  Then I noticed that it has magnets on its feet.  I looked around the canvas tent until I noticed the center pole.  Pop!  The lamp attached to the pole.  Then I found the flashlights I picked up from work.  They are also attached to the pole.  I love magnets.

  • It was a hot day.  We still did a bunch between shade breaks.  With a little help, my friend put more coats of poly onto all the shower walls and floors.  Some friends dug the sump hole for under the shower. With a bunch of help the shower walls were put together.   We are having plumbing problems again, but that is a problem for tomorrow.  Tonight, I rinsed off using the hose.  I feel better than I did.

  • I am very thankful that some of the food places are open.  After working to get so many things done, it was nice to get food without trying to make something.
  • Keziah showed off her balancing powers with a half empty cup of lemonade.  It was pretty impressive.  Someone walking by stopped, pretended to use a pool cue and said, "White ball in the corner pocket."  


Continued reading:  My Wandering Uterus-tales of traveling while female, edited by K.A. Laity.  This book is an anthology.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.


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