Monday of Peace Week

Happy Monday!

  • One of the weird things that made me happy today was watching my Leatherman dance.  I held the parts while my friend turned the tool in circles.  We didn't use it properly because the angle was weird.  My Leatherman looked like a ballerina.

  • The shower works!  It took longer than I would have liked (as usual) but it is up and running.  I have plans to make it easier for next year.  Part of that is to organize all the parts better, and I think I've got a good start on that.  Yay!

  • It rained.  What comes after rain?  A rainbow!

  • We had our first fire tonight.  We bought less wood this year because we don't usually use it all.  Hopefully that was the right choice.  It was nice to sit around the fire and talk.  Next week there will be a Bard here, so maybe singing will happen later too.

Continued reading:  My Wandering Uterus-tales of traveling while female, edited by K.A. Laity.  This book is an anthology.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.


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