Rain, Rain

Happy things from today:

  • Between heat and rain and generally trying to not break myself, set up isn't quite done.  I keep thinking it is, then I see something else I wanted to do.  Today the rain came down hard and often.  Everyone in our campsite seems to have come out the other side with only mild wetness.  This is good.
  • My friend from Maine arrived.  I got to climb up into the back of her truck to push things forward for removal.  It made me feel like a kid for some reason.   

  • There was a pretty butterfly under the canvas on the common tent for a little while.  I'm not exactly sure of the type.
  • I had time to visit with a few different people today.  That is one of the benefits of rain I guess, people stay around at camp.  When it wasn't raining, I was able to visit people in other encampments.
Pretty sky.
  • I am extremely thankful to all the people who have helped align my tent a little better in all the rain.  So much water!

Continued reading:  My Wandering Uterus-tales of traveling while female, edited by K.A. Laity.  This book is an anthology.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.


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