Happy Weekend Beginnings

Thursday's happy things:

  • Since money, or lack thereof, has been on my mind lately, I am making an effort to work all the hours I'm scheduled and not leave early from work. I'm also hoping to occasionally pick up another shift.  I feel like I should add that I'm doing okay with my day to day finances, but if I'm going to take time off from work next year for other things, I need to save more now.  And thus ends my completed work week.  I have plans this weekend, so I doubt I'll get to do any extra work.  
  • There was a yellow jacket busily pollinating the flowers on the snowberry plant.  
The yellow jacket is on the snowberry.   plant.
The purple flowers above it are a nightshade.

  • This weekend I will be at an SCA event and I want to bring all the hand sewing I have to do.  Somehow, I don't have a bag or basket big enough to hold the sewing that isn't really modern looking.  So I went to DIY Craft & Thrift and got myself a used bag.  Keziah had waited too long to eat and was taking a moment when I took this picture. 
Owning a store is tough.
She is taking a moment.

  • Gideon made dinner tonight.  It was the first time he tried to make Macaroni and Cheese by himself, including straining the noodles.  Being the paranoid grandparent that I am, I helped.  Well, I coached a little, gave pointers, and went back in the living room until he asked for help.  I helped him make broccoli to go with it too.  It was delicious. 

Currently listening to: Tehanu, by Ursula K. Le Guin.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.


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