A Bit of Blue

The SCA event this coming weekend is a little complicated.  I am doing more things for it than I planned to in a smaller amount of time.  There are surprise awards that are happening that need preparation.  Some of that happened today.  Here are the happy things I can talk about:

  • This morning, I drove to a friend's house and dropped off the sewing I was helping her out with.  That is now out of my hands. Yay!
  • Earlier I had been perusing Facebook Marketplace for a treadmill.  There was one for free not far from my friend's house so I checked it out.  The first thing I decided after seeing it was that I probably couldn't fit it into my car.  I drove by and pulled over at a parking lot to do some more research.  It seems that it is a good possibility that the treadmill weighed over 100 pounds.  So the second thing I decided is that I wouldn't have been able to lift it by myself.  The third thing I decided is that if I ever get a treadmill it would have to be smaller and lighter, like the kind that fits under a couch.  I'm happy that I checked this out.  I learned a bit and that is important. 
  • Archery Practice was today.  I didn't shoot as well as I'd like, but I had fun.

Some color in the tree and pretty clouds.

  • My next stop was the studio to sew some favors.  Turns out the fabric was at home.  I found one that was waiting to be sewed and finished it.  Then Keziah, Gideon, our artist friend, and I went to dinner, I got the fabric, and went back to the studio and started some of the sewing.  Progress was made!
Completed favor.

Sewing and dessert. 

Currently listening to: Tales From Earthsea, by Ursula K. Le Guin.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.


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