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Happy things from today:

  • This weekend the people at the SCA event that planned the food did a super job of making the food allergy friendly.  The pancakes they served for breakfasts were buckwheat and therefore gluten free.  They were good, but each time I had them I wished they had blueberries in them.  For some reason the tater tots really hit the spot for me this morning, though.   
  • My friend and I took our time packing up today.  We would pack a little, then sit a little.  At one point I commented to the friends gathered around that we were having a great time sitting around doing our crafts and visiting while an event went on around us.  I believe two of us were sewing, one weaving, and one crocheting while we sat and visited with each other.  


  • Toddler with his auntie!

  • We left the event, stopped for food on the way to my house and went for ice cream after her truck was unpacked of my things.  Unpacking my new camp table I realized that I hadn't written about it yet.  So, someone made a camp table for me!  It is the right size for my hat box with a little more room for a bottle of water and my glasses as a cot-side table.  
Cot-side table.
Also good for chair-side.

Folds flat for transportation. 

Currently listening to: Tehanu, by Ursula K. Le Guin.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.


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