So Long September

As September comes to a close I have been enjoying the memories I have made recently.  The hiking, archery, SCA events and time with family and friends.  I'm looking forward to October.  The leaves will change color and fall.  The air will become a little crisper.  We may even see a touch of snow, it could happen.  Tomorrow I will begin participating in Inktober.  Technology being an easy thing to lose, break, or simply for batteries to die, I want to practice drawing.  Here are some other happy things from today:

  • Yesterday, in conversations with relatives, I remembered that I purchase stock in my company every paycheck.  Today I looked at the account and learned that I haven't lost anything at this time.  There is only a slight gain, but I've been putting a little money toward this long enough that I am happy with the current amount.  If the stock prices don't fall, I'll be even more happy.  
  • Keziah has been at an SCA event in New Jersey.  She had a large donation for DIY Craft & Thrift that a friend and I picked up for her this morning.   There was a quilt show and the things that didn't sell were donated to Keziah’s store.  At least I think that is what happened.  Either way, her store should be putting out more quilting supplies and books soon.  It was kind of fun to get to help out in this way.  And, Zed bought us breakfast.  😋
  • Maybe because I was away most of the weekend it seems that the foliage near us is really starting to peek through.  There was more in the northern part of New Hampshire, but it is starting here, towards the middle of the state, now too.

Currently listening to: The Silmarillion, by J. R. R. Tolkien. 

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.


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