
Showing posts from October, 2024

Beautiful Thursday

Here are some happy things from today: It was a beautiful day.  I did something that I don't usually do, I drove with my window down.  My hair is very long and driving with the windows down generally means hair in my face which can make driving difficult.  Oddly enough, I didn't really feel the air come in.  I'm not sure if it had to do with the weather, the speed of the car, or some aerodynamic aspect of the car.  The air was still fresher than with them closed, and that was nice. After work I had some shopping to do and asked Keziah if she needed anything.  She asked for a broom for the store so I picked one up and brought it to her.  She gave me a big hug when I got there.  I was only able to visit for a few minutes because I had refrigerator items in the car from shopping.  It was nice to see her, and a few of the people that work at the store with her too. One of the refrigerator items was eggnog.  The food is one of the best parts of this time of year.  So far I have

Happy Wednesday

 Here are some happy things from today: This was the second day in a row that I was assigned to the Problem Solve area at work.  Yesterday we were super busy the entire time.  Today we started out super busy but ended everything on time.  So much on time that there was plenty of time to spend working in the hazardous materials area and getting caught up there.  It was a good night at work. There is a calendar at work that lets us know what is happening for events.  Do I look at it?  Not really.  It happened to catch my eye as I walked by today.  There might have been writing for today on that calendar.  There were donuts during break. I had a yummy pumpkin donut.   The Inktober prompt I chose for today was roam.  I'm still a little behind. Foliage. ☮ Currently listening to:  Sabriel , by Garth Nix. Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

More Roses!

Happy things from Tuesday: It is easy to tell how tired I am when I drive five minutes from work and fall asleep in the parking lot of the grocery store.  Yay, nap!  I have to stop thinking the rose bush is done for the year.  There is another flower blooming and another bud.   The Inktober prompt I sketched out today was Horizon. It is the thirteenth prompt for 2024.  ☮ Currently listening to:  Sabriel , by Garth Nix. Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

Long Monday

Ice (hail or sleet or ...) woke me in the middle of the night bouncing off the window air conditioner.  Soon after I also heard a roll of thunder.  Somehow, I let those sounds lull me back to sleep.  Here are some other happy things from today: This morning I had an appointment for my ultrasound.  Every year I have an ultrasound and appointments to monitor my thyroid because I have Hashimoto's Disease.  Today I had two ultrasounds.  First, a student did everything, then a licensed tech came in, and did it all again.  I also had a thyroid blood test. So I have been poked and prodded!  I'm just happy that it is done. Keziah and I met at the SCA storage unit to put away the things we had borrowed to use at the last event.  We managed to leave one bin at home.  I'll be back in a few weeks to pick up other things.  It has been a busy time.  Someone who works there brings their dog and plays with them in the long hallways.  They are fun to watch. Part of the day I spent at the st

Cleaning Day

Happy Sunday things: Zed made breakfast for the family this morning.  It was very nice of him to do that.  It was delicious! Keziah and I went to the cafe to have a second breakfast and visit with some friends.  I'm hoping to start some sketching lessons in the next week or two with one of those friends. At home I decided it was time to do something about the kitchen.  I moved things around, swept, and mopped.  The dishes were still in boxes, some of them are clean and will make it to the cabinet when they are dry.  I had an area that had become a catch all that I cleaned up and set the microwave onto it.  I didn't spend any time on the refrigerator, but the stove is clean.  We thought the burners weren't working, it seems that the starter is what is broken.  They all light with a lighter. The Inktober prompt I chose to do today was number eight.  I wasn't able to catch up much, but I didn't fall further behind.  My original plan was to do this in pencil before doin

Beautiful Day!

Here are my happy things from Saturday: After sleeping longer than I expected to yesterday, I went back to bed and slept for a little more than an hour and a half.  That put my sleep total at almost nine hours.  I usually get around five, I think.  When there was an opportunity to work today, I stayed in bed another hour, debating it and doing DuoLingo.  In the end, I decided to go in from 8:45 to 11:50 this morning.  A nice, short shift that was all overtime. What did I do when I got home?  I rested for a while.  Then I went for a walk to enjoy some of this absolutely lovely autumn day. I'm still behind with the Inktober drawings.  Today I chose the number ten prompt, nomadic. ☮ Currently listening to:  Sabriel , by Garth Nix. Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

Learning and Training

Here are some happy things from Friday: Looking at my Facebook feed I was reminded that the aurora borealis was supposed to be visible. Many people saw it and shared some wonderful pictures.  I'm happy that it was visible to so many.  I left for work early and drove north of the city, but it was overcast and maybe too late.  No northern lights for me.  City lights reflected in the cloud cover. At work, I was trained to do the position of QA.  This isn't what I would expect the Quality Assurance position to look like, but I didn't name it.  Maybe it stands for something else?  Basically the person oversees the people stowing in a section of the building.  But oversee is maybe too strong a word?  Guides and coaches, moves people to the work, and problem solves what can be done before sending things to problem solve.  But not oversee as in discipline.  Whatever the correct word, I was trained in this last night.  It is also redirecting packages and using a computer to determin

All About the Job

Today's happy things are mostly about work: It feels like it has been a good work week so far.  I've been working with hazardous waste items this week and learning things.  I like to learn things, even when it is about something that is super dangerous.  And then learning how I'm supposed to take care of it.  Certain job tasks have started to require hard hats.  I've been avoiding them until today.  I got a hard hat and figured out a way to use it with all my hair.  I'm very thankful to the safety person who helped and found me a thing that will hold my hair back with the hard hat on. For no reason that I know of, the Learning Trainer allowed me and one other Learning Ambassador to choose something from the swag closet.  I got a backpack stool.  Things can be packed into it to be worn on the back.  It has a frame to be able to sit on it. I'm choosing to sleep over Inktober today.  I'm supposed to be getting trained on some things tonight at work.  😁 ☮ Curre

Working Title

Happy Wednesday things: Work went fairly well last night.  This is the second day in a row I've stayed about an hour late.  It has been busy and there has been a bunch to do.   What I thought was the last rose seems to have blossomed a sibling?  It makes for a pretty splash of color. I don't draw well.  Perhaps I'm coming to terms with this.  Since I am behind on the Inktober prompts I did two today.  My skill is lacking, but even if it isn't obvious in the work, I like what I'm trying for and that my imagination wants to wake up in this way.  ☮ Currently listening to: The Silmarillion , by J. R. R. Tolkien.  Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.


Here are some happy things from today: In the beginning of October I found out that I am the Safety Employee of the Month again.  That means I get the parking spot (non handicapped) closest to the door.  The parking lot isn't huge so it doesn't seem like it should make a big difference,  but I let myself sleep in a bit last night.  I left later than normal and still got to work on time.  I also didn't sit in the car once I got to work, but more sleep was good. Even though I had a rather frustrating time in Problem Solve last night, I'm happy I was assigned there.  Somehow it feels more rewarding than some of the other positions I tend to work in. I love the autumn sky.   The Inktober prompt that I chose today was number five, binoculars.   I'm thinking about taking lessons... ☮ Currently listening to: The Silmarillion , by J. R. R. Tolkien.  Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

Just Monday

 Happy things from today: It has been a few weeks since I had my yearly physical.  This morning I remembered that the doctor ordered some routine, but fasting, blood tests.  I remembered and I drank enough water beforehand.   Mondays are errand days for me.  Most of my food shopping is done for the week.  There were a couple items that were out of stock, but I can make do without them.  I've prepared my food for the work week and that is a good thing. Foliage!! Concerning Inktober, I'm behind.  I whipped something together for prompt number four.  I don't like it, but I'm sharing it anyway.  ☮ Currently listening to: The Silmarillion , by J. R. R. Tolkien.  Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

Happy Birthday, Keziah!

Happy things from today:  My oldest turned 34 today. Approximately two weeks and 34 years ago I was at an SCA event Celebrating the third birthday of the Barony of Stonemarche.  I was asked how I remember that.  When a person attends an event on or very close to a child's due date, it helps that time be remembered. As a family we celebrated by going out for breakfast.  Keziah chose the Windmill which has, in our opinion, the best French toast around.  We talked a bunch about yesterday's event.  It was a filling morning!  I dressed for the season today. After a little rest, I headed to archery practice.  Stephanie brought the thrones back to her house after the event because she had room in her car.  I brought the van to archery to pick them up and practice.  My first round of Royal Rounds I shot better than I have in a long time.  The first two arrows that flew off my bow landed in the gold.   These are the first six arrows I shot. Two golds from 20 yards.   These were all shot

Wicked Long Day and Post

Last night I got home rather late and this morning I got up early.  It was hard to get out of bed this morning.  I did though. I was only about 30 minutes later to the SCA event, Coronation, than I wanted to be. I wanted to be early, and was just about on time.  Keziah hasn't been feeling well and decided to stay home rather than possibly get others sick too.  Here are some special moments from today: At different points throughout the day I asked for random bits of help from people.  Mostly things like, “Can you carry this for me?”  There was always someone there.  Sometimes the question is asked, and there is just no person available to lend a hand.  Today, I saw many helpers and this was good. Background:  What generally happens at a Coronation is the outgoing Majesties hold their final court.  It usually consists of lots of thank yous and jobs well done.  At the end there is a ceremony in which the Prince and Princess come in, oaths are sworn, and the change of hats happens and