Boxing Day

Happy Boxing Day! Here are some happy things from my day.

  • This morning, early, I had a mental list of the things I wanted to get accomplished. It was too early to do any of those things so I let myself be distracted by games, reading, and my Amazon Wishlist. Later, I went to spend time with the family. It was a relaxing day.
  • Around 4:30 in the afternoon I suddenly realized that I had goals for the day that I didn’t do! A few internet searches later and I was out the door. The dealership was still open so I could purchase a new gas cap for my car, yay! This is the day that the town office is open until seven so I got my car registered, yay! I made an appointment to get my brakes fixed tomorrow morning, yay! Perhaps next time I have important, time sensitive items to do I will write them down or set an alarm on my phone so I don’t forget.  😂
The sky as I headed to the town offices.

  • The reason I needed a gas cap was because my check engine light turned on and that was the simplest fix for the code that showed on the reader. When a check engine light is cleared the car needs to be driven a while to ensure there is enough time for the vehicle’s computer system to reset. Mechanics tend to say around 75 to 100 miles. Bel told me that the mileage amount is fairly arbitrary, but it is a good estimate. Bel needed allergy meds so we ran errands and then just got on the highway and drove a while. I’m going to hope for the best that the fifty-ish miles we put on the car was enough. The check engine light has remained off and last time it was on again within ten miles. Bel and I had a lovely evening drive where we talked about life, growing up, families and friends. It was wonderful.

Continued listening to: Daindreth's Sorceress, by Elisabeth Wheatley.

Continued listening to: The Body Keeps the Score, by Bessel Van Der Kolk.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.


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