Home From Canada

 Happy Father's Day!

  • Every once in a while I feel the need to thank my ex-husband for introducing me to the SCA.  This weekend has been one of them.  Not just because of the interesting event site, but because I was able to experience it with three lovely ladies that are just some of the fabulous people I have met through this group.
  • The drive home was happily uneventful.  I was asleep again during the White Mountains in NH, but I was awake during the drive back to the USA through Canada.  I got to see the St Lawrence River this time.
  • At home we had a Father's Day dinner.  Zed's dad came to visit and it was good to see him and to be home.
  • The last few days of Blogs have been updated to include the pictures!  

Here are today's pictures:

We are busy packing, but we claimed this porch over the weekend.
It lent a great feel to the atmosphere. 

Saying Goodbye to the event.

Saint Lawrence River 

And the bridge.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.


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