Looking Up

Happy things for today:

  • This morning I woke up way too early.  Thankfully I was able to fall back asleep again.  Before I did, I got some lovely views of the pre-dawn sky.  Then I slept in.

  • It was a rather busy day.  I was able to carve out a little bit of time to go through some of a box so I could keep up my plan of downsizing. So far, I seem to be doing all right with at least doing a little on my non-working and non-event days.  Today's box I mostly found places to put things and disposed of a few things.  
  • After that was done I met some friends for breakfast and did some research.  I'm trying to learn a little about medieval pilgrimages.  Book recommendations accepted.
  • This afternoon there was a gathering of our SCA household.  All but one of the members were able to come.  It is so wonderful to be able to just hang out with friends.

Can you tell she doesn't like her picture taken?

My protege and I.  Well, myself in brown and my protege in blue.

The Household

  • The sky was lovely on the drive home  and right before I turned in for the night.  I'm gonna keep looking up.

Sunset with a tiny sliver of the moon.

Continued listening to: My Name is Barbra, by Barbra Streisand.  

Thank you for being part of my happy things.  Stay safe.


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