
Happy Wednesday things:

  • Yesterday, I forgot to write that I am the Safety Committee Member of the Month.  This means I have the number one parking spot at work until the end of June.
  • On Monday I started to consider the reality that my car gets really hot in the sun.  This prompted me to consider ways of covering the gear shift knob.  Rather than spending money, I decided to use an old sock.  Before going to work I pulled down my basket of unpaired socks.  I found a holey pair and one of them is now over my gear shift knob.  The other half of that pair is in the car waiting for a purpose.  
It works for now. 
I should stitch it.

  • And, I took the time to look for matches and have put away NINE pairs of socks.  These tasks took time, and almost made me late for work.  Good thing I have the prime parking spot!  😉
I like socks...

  • After work I went looking through my piles of boxes in an attempt at downsizing, or at least sorting.  I found another box of winter clothes.  I decided to combine that with the other, mostly empty, container with winter clothes.  In the process I pulled out four items that I no longer want.  Yay, downsizing!  Small steps are still steps.  The box that I emptied doing this will be used for some sorting category yet to be determined. 
Say, "Bye-bye!"

Continued listening to: My Name is Barbra, by Barbra Streisand.  

Thank you for being part of my happy things.  Stay safe.


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