So Long September

As September comes to a close I have been enjoying the memories I have made recently. The hiking, archery, SCA events and time with family and friends. I'm looking forward to October. The leaves will change color and fall. The air will become a little crisper. We may even see a touch of snow, it could happen. Tomorrow I will begin participating in Inktober . Technology being an easy thing to lose, break, or simply for batteries to die, I want to practice drawing. Here are some other happy things from today: Yesterday, in conversations with relatives, I remembered that I purchase stock in my company every paycheck. Today I looked at the account and learned that I haven't lost anything at this time. There is only a slight gain, but I've been putting a little money toward this long enough that I am happy with the current amount. If the stock prices don't fall, I'll be even more happy. Keziah has been at an SCA ev...