
Showing posts from September, 2024

Helping Hands

Happy things from today: This morning I thought about picking up a small shift at work.  Really, I did.  I chose to do nothing but scroll the internet and rest my body from a busy weekend.  There were Facebook discussions about many different class ideas I would like to take, like wood carving and knot tying.  The internet kept me entertained this morning.  In the afternoon Keziah and I went to help a friend move.  They were all packed up and just wanted help cleaning the place up.  It feels good to be helpful. ☮ Currently listening to: Tales From Earthsea , by Ursula K. Le Guin. Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

Home Again

The camera didn't get pulled out much today.  I was busy experiencing things.  Here are some happy things: Friends made a wonderful breakfast this morning.  I was also lucky enough to be given a baked apple by someone that had cooked too many.   Our first duty this morning was to choose new Rattan Champions.  The outgoing Champions held a tournament and much fun was had.   After that we held our court.  Deserving people got awards and the new Champions from the weekend stepped into their new positions.  The highlight at the end was when a couple came up, a proposal was made, and wedding plans were started.  It was glorious.  I cried happy tears. I had favors to give away and I saw smiles when they were received. The rest of the event was packing and the pleasant distraction of conversations with people I hadn't had time to talk with earlier. We drove over a covered bridge on the way home.   ☮ Currently listening to: Tales From Earthsea , by Ursula K. Le Guin. Thank you for bein

A Big Day

There was a whirlwind of things happening with many people to see and talk with.  At morning court people were called up and asked a question.  Two were asked about joining the Order of the Laurel (arts) and one the Order of the Pelican (service). The Pelican is the reason for my secret project.  My Protégé is no more, she is now a Companion to the Order of the Pelican.  Here are some happy things from today: Last night I learned that I dropped a ball.  There was no book for the vigil for my protégé.  How this part of a peerage elevation works in a nutshell is that a person is called into court, told they are going to be asked about joining a particular peerage, they are sent off on vigil to consider this, during the Vigil people come and visit with words of advice or congratulations, the visitors may sign/write into a book, and then at a court where the peerage happens people say nice things and some planned gifts of regalia are presented.  (Phew)  It is the book that visitors write i

Friday the Thirteenth

Some happy things for Friday! This morning I decided to not stress out about packing and leaving for the event early.  So we didn't.  We left later than I wanted, but it was good.  The ride to this event is beautiful.  There is a plant that has grown up in the pathway I use to get between my apartment and the main house.  According to the Lens App, it is an Amaranthus Retroflexus, or pigweed.  If this is correct, the plant has a few parts that are edible. The first part of my time at the event I was mostly setting things up.  I'm grateful for the people who fed me and helped me set things up. In the evening I went to where there was a ball.  I generally end up missing the ball but I went.  I wasn't there for more than a few minutes when I was asked to dance by a newer member of the Barony and SCA.  It was his first time medieval dancing.  We had a blast.  The dances were fun even though we messed up a bunch. Then I stayed up way too late having some wonderful and sometimes


Today my dad would have been 91.  There have been many changes in my life and in the world since he passed away.  Some days, when I need to do certain things, I think about what my dad would have done.  It usually helps.  Here are some happy things from today: There was a Safety Committee meeting at work.  They ordered some food for the meeting goers and managers.  I ended up with a really good scrambler breakfast.  It was a basic meal with eggs, toast, bacon and hashbrowns.  Yummy.  They got the food from Gaslight District Diner in Manchester, NH.  I may have to go there some time. My afternoon was filled with working on a secret project.  I'm so very thankful for the friends that are helping me with this.  They aren't just helpful, they are wonderful to be around. The moon was beautiful tonight.  The picture won't do it justice.  It was a half moon that lit up one part of the sky.   ☮ Currently listening to: Tales From Earthsea , by Ursula K. Le Guin. Thank you for being

Working Wednesday

 Happy things from today: One of my coworkers wore a Creeper hat today.  A Creeper is one of the monsters in the Minecraft computer game that I used to play just about every week.  This coworker is Keziah’s age.  He was surprised I played computer games, he didn't peg me as a gamer.  I didn't get the chance to tell him how my teenage paychecks were spent at arcades or that my ex-husband was a game programmer/designer for a while.  I like being a little unpredictable at times. 😁 Packing for the event this weekend didn't go as I had hoped.  I'm happy for the progress that was made.  The rest can happen Friday morning. When I became a member of the Order of the Pelican in 2015 I was given a little wooden Pelican.  I found it recently and it makes me happy.   ☮ Currently listening to: Tales From Earthsea , by Ursula K. Le Guin. Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

Voting Day

Here are some happy things from today: Due to a secret project, I've been learning something new.  It's been fun.  There will be more information about this when the project is no longer secret. 🤫 I voted!   With the wonders of modern technology, I received the preliminary results of today's mammogram within three hours of the scan.  At this point, everything is negative.  Yay! ☮ Currently listening to: Tales From Earthsea , by Ursula K. Le Guin. Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

Projects Day

It was important to me that I wake up early today to do laundry.  I forgot.  Eventually, I remembered that there were hands on my time and I jumped out of bed to start my day.  Here are some happy highlights: The studio was my first stop.  Someone had given me fabric for favors and I needed to finish getting the fabric sewn so that another person can use their Cricket to put a design on them.  I'm happy to say that I sewed together thirteen favors and they should be on the way to their next step. Using the sewing machine this morning while the sun was shining in the window was very pleasant.   At home, I helped Keziah clean the kitchen.  It is overdue for a deep clean.  That won't be finished today, but there has been a vast improvement.  ☮ Currently listening to: Tales From Earthsea , by Ursula K. Le Guin. Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

A Bit of Blue

The SCA event this coming weekend is a little complicated.  I am doing more things for it than I planned to in a smaller amount of time.  There are surprise awards that are happening that need preparation.  Some of that happened today.  Here are the happy things I can talk about: This morning, I drove to a friend's house and dropped off the sewing I was helping her out with.  That is now out of my hands. Yay! Earlier I had been perusing Facebook Marketplace for a treadmill.  There was one for free not far from my friend's house so I checked it out.  The first thing I decided after seeing it was that I probably couldn't fit it into my car.  I drove by and pulled over at a parking lot to do some more research.  It seems that it is a good possibility that the treadmill weighed over 100 pounds.  So the second thing I decided is that I wouldn't have been able to lift it by myself.  The third thing I decided is that if I ever get a treadmill it would have to be smaller and li

Slow Saturday

It wasn't a very exciting day.  Compared to my last two weekends, today was bland.  Here are some happy things from today: Much of my day I stayed in my room with Netflix and stitching.  I finished my task on the garment and it is going back to its maker to be completed.  Yay! Between the apartment and the house is some goldenrod that I've been meaning to pull.  There were at least three bees pollinating it when I walked by.  I'm glad the bees were enjoying it.  I'll try to pull it before it goes to seed. Bee on goldenrod plant.  Later in the day I took some time to shuffle through some papers.  Some are in the shred pile, but many are in the recycle bin.  A tiny step toward downsizing was achieved!  Recycling.  I've opened my window and turned off the air conditioner.   There is occasional fresh air wafting in on the breeze.  Rain is gently falling and tapping on the house and yard. ☮ Currently listening to: Tales From Earthsea , by Ursula K. Le Guin. Thank you for


Happy Friday!  Here are some things that made my day happy: Almost my entire day was spent at DIY Craft & Thrift.  I parked my car up the street about ¾ of a mile away and walked to the store from there.  As we get closer to Autumn the days are cooling, making walking more comfortable.  It made for a lovely walk.  I remembered to bring my headphones and listened to music as I walked the city street to the store.  The music put a smile on my face and some pep to my steps. At the store I helped Keziah organize her plant.  She has had a pothos plant for about a year (since she opened the store) and it is flourishing.  We spent time untangling the vines and then carefully hooking them to the ceiling.  Keziah puts beads on the ends of the vines to note growth.   Most of the time I was at the store sewing.  Finishing seams is my priority right now.  I have another project to work on before next weekend too.  At this point I have finished everything except for about 3 ½ of the gore seams.

Sewing and Light

Again, I fell asleep while trying to write this.  I know I needed the sleep, but falling asleep with my finger on the screen only means I have to start over again.  Here are some happy things from today: This week at work I was all over the place. I liked that.  I ended my week taking care of all the hazardous waste.  I had some weird things to dispose of.  What I ended up doing was to ask a bunch of questions when I wasn't sure how to do things.  This was the right thing to do in this case.  Also, I was given a cool travel mug. It's Orange!! It was National Cheese Pizza Day.  We got pizza at the end of the day to celebrate. After a short nap when I got home from work, I sewed.  The TV went on with the first season of The Rings of Power and I sewed while listening to that.  I sewed while Gideon did his homework.  The sewing came back to my room and I sewed while I talked with TF on the phone.  I'm about a third of the way done.  Friday I will work on sewing at Keziah’s sto


Happy things from today: There is an SCA event coming up next weekend.  I have a bunch of things to do before then.  One of those things is hand sewing.  I've slowly been finishing some seams.  Tomorrow I go into overdrive so I can finish by this weekend. I think I'm getting better at hand stitching.  Gideon has finished day two of eighth grade.  He is already complaining of being bored.  🤣 ☮ Finished listening to: Tehanu , by Ursula K. Le Guin.  ---This was the fourth book in the Earthsea series.  So far it is my favorite of the series.  Oddly enough, according to an author's note, this book was not well received.   Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.


Here are some happy things from today: It started out as one of those days that I was just happy to make it to work.  Then I was doing things that made me feel motion sick.  Thankfully, I started feeling better about halfway through my day.  That is also when I was told that I made the cut and will be getting trained to be a Learning Ambassador in October.  I wasn't expecting this because I've been told no a few times now.  However, I'm happy I'll be learning new things and teaching what I already know. Today was Gideon's first day of eighth grade.  He got home from school, told us all about his day, and snuggled onto the big bean bag couch for a nap.  Keziah found out that Gideon didn't need the notebook he got for math class because he is in highschool algebra.  There was no homework assigned. ☮ Currently listening to: Tehanu , by Ursula K. Le Guin. Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

Labor Day

Happy second day of September!  Here are my happy things from this Labor Day: This morning I was able to have some leftover blueberry pancakes.  It seemed fitting after I wanted blueberries in my buckwheat pancakes all weekend.  They were very good. While eating breakfast Keziah was playing songs about joining a union.  This seems to be her way of celebrating Labor Day.  It is a good way. My normal Monday errands still had to happen even though today is considered a holiday.  I combined my shopping with a phone call to TF.  That made the errand much nicer.   Since we were all home, it was decided that we could play games.  We played a few games of Kluster and a game of Munchkin.  Munchkin takes some time to play, but it is a lot of fun. Kluster ☮ Currently listening to: Tehanu , by Ursula K. Le Guin. Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

Back Home

Happy things from today: This weekend the people at the SCA event that planned the food did a super job of making the food allergy friendly.  The pancakes they served for breakfasts were buckwheat and therefore gluten free.  They were good, but each time I had them I wished they had blueberries in them.  For some reason the tater tots really hit the spot for me this morning, though.    My friend and I took our time packing up today.  We would pack a little, then sit a little.  At one point I commented to the friends gathered around that we were having a great time sitting around doing our crafts and visiting while an event went on around us.  I believe two of us were sewing, one weaving, and one crocheting while we sat and visited with each other.   Stitching.  Toddler with his auntie! We left the event, stopped for food on the way to my house and went for ice cream after her truck was unpacked of my things.  Unpacking my new camp table I realized that I hadn't written about it yet