Friday the Thirteenth

Some happy things for Friday!

  • This morning I decided to not stress out about packing and leaving for the event early.  So we didn't.  We left later than I wanted, but it was good.  The ride to this event is beautiful. 
  • There is a plant that has grown up in the pathway I use to get between my apartment and the main house.  According to the Lens App, it is an Amaranthus Retroflexus, or pigweed.  If this is correct, the plant has a few parts that are edible.

  • The first part of my time at the event I was mostly setting things up.  I'm grateful for the people who fed me and helped me set things up.
  • In the evening I went to where there was a ball.  I generally end up missing the ball but I went.  I wasn't there for more than a few minutes when I was asked to dance by a newer member of the Barony and SCA.  It was his first time medieval dancing.  We had a blast.  The dances were fun even though we messed up a bunch.
  • Then I stayed up way too late having some wonderful and sometimes deep conversations with a friend.  Good thing I'm used to not getting a lot of sleep!  🤪

Currently listening to: Tales From Earthsea, by Ursula K. Le Guin.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.


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